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December 21, 2021 3 min read 0 Comments

Your life could be saved by checking your breath. You can find out which medical conditions doctors can detect in your breath by simply opening your mouth. Bad breath may indicate another medical condition. You don't need to have bad breath. Even freshest breath can be tested for various health conditions. A healthy mouth means fresh breath, which is a sign that you are healthy overall. Bad breath can be prevented by practicing good oral hygiene.

Bad breath (also known as halitosis) can make you feel embarrassed and even worse. There are many products that can be used to combat bad breath, such as mints, gum and mouthwashes. Many of these products don't treat the root cause of bad breath and are temporary. Most of us are affected by bad breath at some point. Really, who hasn’t indulged in too much garlic and onions or a tuna fish sandwich from time to time? But, if you suffer from persistent bad breath, it could be a sign of some other underlying health problems.

Continue reading to learn more about what bad breath says about your health:

Bad breath can be a sign that you have gum disease. Sticky plaque forms on the teeth from the normal bacteria and mucus in our mouths. Although plaque can be removed with brushing and flossing it can become tartar over time. Plaque and tartar can build up over time and cause gum disease. Gum disease, if left untreated can cause severe damage to the teeth, soft tissues, and ultimately lead to tooth loss. The area between your teeth and gums can become a trap for tartar, which can cause food, bacteria and plaque to collect, causing an unpleasant odor.

Bad breath can lead to a variety of health issues. Bad breath can be caused by a sinus infection, infection of the upper or lower lungs, or chronic bronchitis. Bad breath could also be a sign of serious conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, or gastroesophageal reflux disorder. Bad breath can be caused by certain foods, habits, and health conditions. Bad breath can be improved in many cases by maintaining good dental hygiene. If these self-care methods don't work, consult your dentist to rule out a more serious condition.

Bad breath smells can be caused by many factors. While some people are not aware of bad breath, others worry about it and have no symptoms. Ask a friend or relative for confirmation of bad breath. It can be difficult to determine how your own breath smells. The Mayo Clinic lists many causes for why you may have bad breath. Bad breath can be mild to moderate. However, if self-care methods fail to resolve the problem, it is best to consult a dentist or physician. To learn more about what bad breath says about your health, check out this article from WebMd.com.

What bad breath says about your health

Can you prevent bad breath?

Good oral hygiene habits are key to preventing bad breath. Brush your teeth twice daily and floss every day to remove food particles stuck between your teeth. Make sure to clean your tongue with an antibacterial mouthwash. Drinking enough water throughout the day is a great way to keep hydrated.

What can be done to help?

Do you have persistent bad breath or other signs of gum disease such as bleeding gums or sores in the mouth, receding gums or bad taste in the mouth? If this is the case, make an appointment to see your dentist. Modern dentistry has made it possible to stop the progression of gum disease.

When is the last time you audited your oral hygiene supply? Mouth Off Dissolving Gum is made from safe and edible ingredients that are proven to not just mask your bad breath, but eliminate it.